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Pregnancy and childbirth - what's the difference?

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Pregnancy and childbirth 

These are two different events.

But when we study the promise of these events , the primary cusp is 5 and supporting cusps are 2, 11 for both of them.


So how should we see the timing?


If dasha/bhukti is favorable, will it result in childbirth or in pregnancy?

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Regarding your 2nd question

,the answer is as follows. 


When you time any event ,and the bhukti lord is Rahu or केतु

1.for every event we consider that bhukti lord is very important. has to become the significater of primary cusp direct or Indirectly. 

In case of Rahu or ket it has been observed that Rahu or केतु it self has to become the significater 

Then the representing planets has to become significater simultaneously. 


Out of these 3 planets 

Atleast two must become significater 


Only one planet is not sufficient,  it has been observed on many occasions that the event does not fructify 





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